IP-67 splash-proof 3-hand device case with foam insert and 2 snap locks
Suitable for 3 sets of TEAM devices TeCom-IP3 / -IPX5 / -IPZ5 / IP-DA32
Item no. PR2390
3-piece suitcase set with 3 devices each, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom IP-DA32 dPMR-446 – Item no. PR8610
TeCom IP-DA32 dPMR-COM – Item no. PR8611
3-piece suitcase set with 3 devices each, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-IP3 PMR – Item no. PR8606
TeCom-IP3 FreeNet – Item no. PR8607
TeCom-IP3 UHF-COM – Item no. PR8608
TeCom-IP3 VHF-COM – Item no. PR8609
3-piece suitcase set with 3 devices each, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-IPZ5 PMR – Item no. PR8618
TeCom-IPZ5 FreeNet – Item no. PR8619
TeCom-IPZ5 UHF-COM – Item no. PR8620
TeCom-IPZ5 VHF-COM – Item no. PR8621
3-piece suitcase set with 3 devices each, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-IPX5 PMR – Item no. PR8622
TeCom-IPX5 FreeNet – Item no. PR8623
TeCom-IPX5 UHF-COM – Item no. PR8624
TeCom-IPX5 VHF-COM – Item no. PR8625
Case of 4 with foam insert and 2 lockable snap locks
Suitable for 4 sets of TEAM devices TeCom-IP3 / -IPX5 / -IPZ5 / IP-DA32 / -X5 / -DUO / -LC / -SL
Item no. PR2306
Set of 4 cases, each with 4 devices, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom IP-DA32 dPMR-446 – Item no. PR8612
TeCom IP-DA32 dPMR-COM – Item no. PR8613
Set of 4 cases, each with 4 devices, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-IP3 PMR – Item no. PR8602
TeCom-IP3 FreeNet – Item no. PR8603
TeCom-IP3 UHF-COM – Item no. PR8604
TeCom-IP3 VHF-COM – Item no. PR8605
Set of 4 cases, each with 4 devices, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-IPZ5 PMR – Item no. PR8592
TeCom-IPZ5 FreeNet – Item no. PR8593
TeCom-IPZ5 UHF-COM – Item no. PR8594
TeCom-IPZ5 VHF-COM – Item no. PR8595
Set of 4 cases, each with 4 devices, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-IPX5 PMR – Item no. PR8596
TeCom-IPX5 FreeNet – Item no. PR8597
TeCom-IPX5 UHF-COM – Item no. PR8598
TeCom-IPX5 VHF-COM – Item no. PR8599
Set of 4 cases, each with 4 devices, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-IPX5 PMR – Item no. PR8582
TeCom-IPX5 UHF-COM – Item no. PR8584
Set of 4 cases, each with 4 devices, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-SL PMR – Item no. PR8571
TeCom-SL FreeNet – Item no. PR8572
TeCom-SL UHF-COM – Item no. PR8573
TeCom-SL VHF-COM – Item no. PR8574
Set of 4 cases, each with 4 devices, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-LC PMR – Item no. PR8626
TeCom-LC FreeNet – Item no. PR8627
TeCom-LC UHF-COM – Item no. PR8628
TeCom-LC VHF-COM – Item no. PR8629
Set of 4 cases, each with 4 devices, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-DUO -H – Item no. PR8576
TeCom-DUO -C – Item no. PR8575
Set of 4 cases, each with 4 devices, batteries, chargers and belt clips
in the device variants:
TeCom-HD UHF-COM – Item no. PR8637
TeCom-HD PMR – Item no. PR8636